Dry Rooms and Clean Rooms

Dry room

Dry Rooms are being used by pharmaceutical companies, automotives and selective other industries which have very low dew point requirements for their hygroscopic material processing and storage. Lithium and alternative battery manufacturers are today the most vulnerable and hence, are driving the high requirement for Dry Rooms. Every Dry Room is unique and there is a great amount of detailing and specialization requirement. Only few players who have the desired experience and subject knowledge are able to get the design and configurations of such units correct in the first instance. Safety is paramount in Dry Rooms, as a minor glitch or error may lead to major hazardous risks.

Key constituents and requirements for Dry Room built:


Panel & Room

-Insulated and fire retardant modular panels
-Air tight self supporting rooms with HEPA filters inside the room
-All metal construction
-Baked white galvanized metal interior (stainless steel option available) and exterior
Floor, Door and Sensor

-Anti static floor
-Entrance door with air lock
-Emergency door
-Controller, dew point meter with dew point sensor

– Vapour tight construction ensuring zero leakages
– Rib structure fabricated from hollow tubular section welded together for providing chamber strength and rigidity with special emphasis for floor loading. However, of late, double skin modular panel construction with vapour tight construction have also gained acceptance with advance of new manufacturing processes
– Proper insulation of the duct work
– Inner/outer skin generally to be PPGI/SS/Powder coated constructed
– Proper lighting arrangement and power points at necessary locations
– Ante room to reduce moisture load due to door opening
– Power points to be provided at various places as required
– Air shower to limit dust ingress
– Special Entry Doors for the main entrance, ante/airlock room, and an additional emergency door is required for Air Shower room
Some Outstanding Features and Advantages of Bry-Air GDP Technology

– Highest low dew point supply air CMH/kW of regeneration: High Performance
– Single Rotor Machine: for as low as (-) 70°C
– High Performance Rotor: pH neutral, water washable
– Own Rotor Manufacturing and Quality Certifications
– Performance Demonstration (Type Test): each design can be pre validated in our dynamic test lab
– Unit Construction: robust, durable, >20 years life
– Adjustability of Fresh Air Fraction
– No Post Cooling Coil Required: feature of patented technology
Clean room

A room with controlled environmental parameters, where work is carried out with sensitive materials, which requires ensuring a stable environment. Therefore, some of the most important controlled parameters in this type of room are: the number of air changes per hour, temperature, humidity, overpressure in the rooms, antistatic, microbiological purity, the number of particles with sizes measured in microns. Based on the customer’s needs, we are able to propose an appropriate solution for each type of facility.

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